Monday 26 September 2022

Best dating sites for over 50

Many local newspapers had online personals in the mid 1990s but were bought out by these big dating sites. From some of the comments it really shows how desperate dating sites are for money that they even advertise in comment sections. You have a much better chance going to local events and you will probably spend less than what you would spend on an online dating site.

Other apps have indicated that they might actually move closer to Facebook. For example, Bumble, founded by a former Tinder executive, said they had already reached out to Facebook regarding how to collaborate. And, “One thing everyone seems to agree on is that Facebook’s effectively endorsing online dating will be a huge legitimization event for the industry,” says Jefferies Internet analyst Brent Thill. According to Amanda Bradford, chief executive of The League, an elite dating app, “Facebook is validating that dating is a high-tech industry with really interesting and hard problems to solve. Still, Facebook could face some obstacles in building enough separation between the dating service and the legacy social network; some users might not like having both activities live on one app.

After giving him some time to cope with his cat passing away, he made plans to see her again and she was thrilled. He canceled the date last minute again because he said his grandma had died. Although this seemed too tragic to be true, she gave him the benefit of the doubt that he was telling the truth. Additionally, if someone is giving you a checklist right away of all of the things they want in a future partner, this may be a red flag for some controlling behaviors. It’s one thing if they express their non-negotiables but it’s another thing entirely if they are listing required traits. If you feel like someone is already trying to change things about you to suit their needs, that’s not okay. How someone initiates a conversation with you will say a lot about how they view you as a person and how they might treat you as a partner.

Online dating users are more likely to describe their overall experience with using dating sites or apps in positive, rather than negative, terms. Some 57% of Americans who have ever used a dating site or app say their own personal experiences with these platforms have been very or somewhat positive. Still, about four-in-ten online daters (42%) describe their personal experience with dating sites or apps as at least somewhat negative. Happily, there are some dating services that are looking to overcome the vanity. For example, Hinge matches people based on personality and preferences and lets you create a more interesting and rounded profile to draw people in. One of the few dating sites designed for affairs, Ashley Madison connects users for discreet encounters.

Basically all a guy like you has to do is instantly grab her attention in a memorable way with both your profile and your messages, then spend the least amount of time possible convincing her to meet you in person. For those who are hesitant to enter the online dating world for reasons related to safety or awkward conversation lulls, Double aims to take the pressure off with Double dates as opposed to one-on-one.

State things that are really important to you and be done with it. Connor turned an attempt at small talk into a rant about “gold-digging whores,” and the dating app was not having it. Matt- But what about when you said you would meet me in real life and we would lose our virginity together. One Love educates young people about healthy and unhealthy relationships, empowering them to identify and avoid abuse and learn how to love better. If you are going somewhere that serves alcoholic beverages, most bartenders are using secret codes to help customers signal, privately, when they need help if they’re getting harassed or feeling unsafe on a bad date.

With no financial requirement, free sites will naturally attract a greater proportion of people who are not really committed to finding a genuine relationship. Memberships you gain additional features such as being able to send more messages and receiving event discounts.

The post Best dating sites for over 50 appeared first on Just Delta .

Friday 22 July 2022

Delta-8 Gummies 101

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At this point, it’s safe to say that nearly everyone is familiar with edibles–at least, the ones containing cannabis.

And, of course, plenty of us are familiar with the famously potent high they can create, and the overall effects they have on the mind and body.

In fact, many of us are probably even familiar with the compound that’s responsible for causing the high: delta-9 THC.

But there’s a fun, exciting, and absolutely delicious product that gives it a whole new feel: delta-8 gummies!

Although delta-8 strongly resembles the structure of its potent relative, there are nonetheless some pretty significant distinctions, including a lower psychoactive potency than “traditional” THC, meaning it’s going to give a less intense experience.

Due to this lower potency level, delta 8-products are an excellent option for those who seek the subtle cerebral effects, but also find THC to be too much to handle. If you seek a fun and tasty way to consume this cannabinoid, delta 8 gummies are a great choice.

What is Delta-8?

So what exactly is delta-8, and what does delta-8 do?

Before we get into it, let’s give THC a quick breakdown, first.

THC, short for tetrahydrocannabinol, is a compound you may already know from marijuana.

Generally speaking, delta-9 is regarded as the intoxicating compound in weed, although it’s important to note that THC takes a few different forms, which are known as isomers.

And in marijuana, the critical THC isomer is what’s known as delta-9.

THC isomers are becoming a major deal in cannabis, and different isomers will determine the ways in which you might experience a product–not only in terms of how you feel, but even the process of shopping for it (more on that later).

THC can actually come in a wide range of different isomers, but we’re seeing consumer trends especially delta-8, delta-9, delta-10, and even HHC. But today, let’s talk about delta-8.

Similar to delta-9, delta-8 is an isomer of THC. And because of their particular similarities, the two isomers are often compared head to head. In fact, delta-8 in particular has grown in popularity over the last few years, and in part, this lies in the fact that delta-8 produces a high that’s significantly more mellow than delta-9.

Delta-8 THC is naturally derived from cannabis plants, but compared to delta-9, the amounts tend to be pretty low.

In response to this, experts have developed a method for converting other cannabinoids into delta-8, through a process called isomerization.

Customers can find delta-8 products from a wide range of reputable sellers. And much like with the CBD phenomenon, you can discover delta-8 in a number of different products, including gummies, capsules, and the more potent delta-8 vapes. 

Delta-8 vapes are straightforward, reliable, and super discreet, but when you’re looking for the ultimate choice in delta-8 vaping that’s streamlined and convenient, look no further than delta-8 disposables. 

How Will Delta-8 Make Me Feel?

Due to the fact that delta-9 THC is more potent than delta-8, it has a higher chance of overstimulating the CB1 receptors in the endocannabinoid system (ECS).

Due to its biphasic nature, delta-9 can produce feelings of relaxation and euphoria, even with low to moderate doses, not to mention relief from tension and stress.

But when taken in high doses, be wary that this may backfire. When taken in excess, delta-9 can trigger adverse reactions, such as anxiety and paranoia.

This is because when we consume delta-9, the brain is tricked into producing more anandamide than it actually needs. As one of the two significant endocannabinoids produced by our bodies, anandamide is often referred to as the bliss molecule, primarily due to the influence it has on our emotional well-being.

Taking delta-8, on the other hand, doesn’t stimulate the CB1 receptor to the same extent as delta 9 THC. Consequently, the chance of experiencing anxiety or paranoia is much less high. You can feel high but still in control, unlike with delta 9.

Now that you have an idea as to what causes the high from THC, and you know how delta-8 distinguishes itself from delta-9, let’s take a closer look at what the delta 8 THC high makes you feel.

When you take delta-8 gummies, you can expect feelings of:

  • Uplifted mood
  • Increased body awareness
  • Tranquility
  • Relaxation
  • Euphoria
  • Clear cerebral high
  • Dreamy introspection

And while it’s true that delta-8 is intoxicating, you’ll find yourself completely fine and at ease performing everyday tasks–so long as they don’t involve anything too meticulous, like operating a forklift. Even when taken in moderate or relatively high doses, delta-8 THC is unlikely to get you couch-locked.

On top of that, delta-8 THC can inspire in the user a sense of focus and energy, which may improve one’s overall performance and translate higher productivity throughout the day.

The light-as-air, uplifting sensation from delta-8 gummies can help promote a mellow, calm, and more tranquil headspace. Many users report the whole experience to be very smooth, and when it comes off, it doesn’t leave you lethargic or groggy.

The biggest difference, however, is that users occasionally report delta-9 THC leaving them feeling manic or “out of control.” But with delta-8, users can enjoy a high that’s elevated and pleasant, while still feeling present and grounded. And no matter how intense the delta-8 disposable might be, there’s a lower likelihood of feeling overwhelmed or turbulent.

When vaping delta-8 disposables, some consumers might notice that they don’t feel tired in the way that they do from delta-9 vapes. In fact, they might instead feel noticeably more energized, and yet more focused without the anxiety or racing heart rate.

Is Delta-8 Legal?

As a hemp-derived product, delta-8 is legal for use and production, on the federal level. In 2018, the Farm Bill approved all products derived from hemp, as long as they contain less than 0.3 percent delta-9 THC.

Currently, there is no document officially addressing states in which delta-8 is legal, and, so it’s safest to say the state of delta-8 is currently in the legal gray zone. Some states have prohibited or limited the sales of products made by Delta 8 products.

Will Delta-8 Show Up on a Drug Test?

Whether it’s delta-8 disposables, delta-8 gummies, or any kind of product containing this THC isomer, people often ask the question:

Will delta-8 show up on a drug test?

And in short, the answer is most likely.

Currently, there’s still a short supply of studies on delta-8, so its behavior in the human body is still not fully understood. However, with its close resemblance to delta-9 THC, it’s safe to assume that any test for delta-9 THC will also show delta-8 THC.

Still, the ways in which delta-8 interacts with your body, its exact distinctions from delta-9, and its exact potency in relation to delta-9 are still not certain. That being said, those expecting a drug test in the future are encouraged to play it safe and abstain from consuming delta-8 products of any sort.   

How Many Delta-8 Gummies Should I Have?

In order to determine your optimal amount of delta-8 gummies, it’s important to first consider two things: the potency of the product overall, and the strength per gummy in milligrams.

When shopping for delta-8 gummies, from reputable brands, you’ll find different strengths and sizes of their products. For instance, some vendors sell delta-8 THC tinctures in 30 ml bottles, while others use 60 ml bottles. The same goes for gummies: some sellers may offer them in 4 oz and 9 oz jars, but the dosage per gummy is normally the same regardless.

To figure out the number of milligrams of delta-8 THC in one serving, you’ll need to divide the total amount of delta-8 per container, in milligrams.

For example, if you have a 1000mg jar with about 40 gummies, simply divide 1000 by 40, which will get you 25. In other words, you’ll get about 25 mg per gummy. And while this might be a very high dose for some people, one of the benefits to gummies is that they’re easy to cut up for smaller portions.

Still, this leaves us with the question: how many delta-8 gummies should I take?

As with any cannabinoid, there is no universal dosage for delta-8, and this includes delta-8 gummies. This lack of standard comes down to the fact that the optimal dosage varies with each individual, based on factors such as weight, metabolism, reason for taking delta-8, and delivery method.

That being said, the following chart provides a decent rule of thumb when determining how many delta-8 gummies you should take.

  • Low: 5–15 mg per serving
  • Medium: 15–45 mg per serving
  • High : 45–150 mg per serving

How Long Do Delta-8 Gummies Take to Kick in?

The effects of delta-8 THC typically kick in within 2–3 hours when you take oral forms such as capsules or gummies.

Delta-8 THC works similarly to any other cannabinoid-based product. Again, you need to put in the time to determine how many gummies you’ll take your extracts–things might not go so great if you treat these like normal candy.

Finally, we recommend waiting around 2 hours before applying another dose of delta 8 THC.

Are There Any Benefits to Using Delta-8 Gummies?

When it comes to delta-8, many of its purported benefits need more evidence before any claims can be made. However, there is one thing we can say: delta-8 creates a nice high. In fact, users often report feeling clear-headed and focused, relaxed and at ease, and perhaps even with a heightened appetite.

Most might even describe taking delta-8 gummies as a very pleasant and uplifting experience, sometimes accompanied with feelings of relief and peacefulness to its users.

Effects vary with each person, however, so the period of time needed will depend largely on the type of product you choose. For example, you might be taking Delta-8 as a gummy, which means it might take between 60 and 90 minutes before your body can start to process it. Then, the effects should hit a peak and then last about 3 to 8 hours. 

Research on Delta-8

Researchers are still discovering more things about delta-8, and our understanding of this fascinating cannabinoid only continues to grow.

Here are some potential benefits of delta-8 that experts are currently studying.


Delta-8 Gummies for Appetite

If you find yourself prone to occasional nausea, delta-8 gummies may offer some relief. In one 1995 study, it was reported that delta-8-THC has antiemetic properties. On top of that, delta-8 may even help boost appetite–potentially even more than delta-9-THC. In one 2004 study published in Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, for instance, researchers found that administering a small amount of delta-8 to mice over a 6-week period increased food consumption by 22%. An improvement in cognitive function was also reported.

Delta-8 Gummies for Anxiety

As reported by the National Cancer Institute, Delta-8 has anxiolytic properties, meaning that it may provide some relief from anxiety. While there is currently minimal scientific data to back up these claims, anecdotal reports are encouraging. On top of that, the anecdotal evidence is encouraging as well, with users reporting a mellow, concentrated high with fewer side effects of paranoia or anxiety, which are often associated with delta-9.

Delta-8 Gummies for Pain and Anti-Inflammatory Effects

As with many cannabinoids, delta-8 may present some pain-relieving properties. In one 2018 study published in Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research, experts reported that delta-8 might lower symptoms of pain and inflammation in mice.

As part of the study, delta-8 was applied topically to affected areas. The pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory benefits observed were linked to the effects of delta-8-THC on CB1 receptors.

Are Delta-8 Gummies Safe?

Those new to delta-8 are particularly concerned about the safety of delta-8–especially when it comes to vapes, as well as edibles, tinctures, etc.

In short, delta-8 is not a harmful substance, and it’s generally deemed as suitable for use. While some users have reported adverse effects, such as red or dry eyes, difficulty concentrating, and motor impairment, such effects are unlikely if it’s made from high-quality ingredients and you take the product in the prescribed dosage.

Things to Consider When Shopping for Delta-8

With so many different products available, it’s more crucial than ever to carefully consider where you shop when buying delta-8 gummies.

Especially when it comes to cannabinoids, you’ll notice a big difference between a premium and average product, and this will directly impact that products’ effectiveness. 

And of course, the quality of delta-8 gummies are going to heavily depend on the company that produces the delta-8, and as a customer, you deserve the best.

And to buy from the best, you need to know what the best looks like, and what to look for. While this might sound easier said than done, there are some surefire ways to gauge a brand that’s worth your dollar.

Third Party Testing

When it comes to shopping for delta-8 gummies (or any product containing delta-8) third-party testing is one of the most critical things to look for in a brand.

There’s a good reason why the top companies in the US pay for third-party testing from prestigious laboratories, as this ensures no impurities from the refinement process end up in the final product.

Still, it’s not enough for a company to run those tests internally since this creates a margin of error and bias. That’s why any reputable delta-8 seller will shell out for third-party testing on all products, and publish those results on their site. That is the only way to guarantee the product is exactly the quality described on the label. 

In these tests, labs should mention the search for all relevant potential impurities, including residual pesticides, heavy metals, and any other contaminants.

Failing to test for any of these pollutants could have seriously adverse effects for the consumer. Any company that does not employ third-party testing, or doesn’t publish those results on its site, should be immediately disqualified from consideration. It really is that important.   

Policies and Service

If you plan to build any kind of lasting relationship with a brand, there is a good chance you’ll eventually need help on the customer support side of things.

Here, you should briefly look over their policies and service options and weigh them against competing brands.

-Are the policies fair?

-Do they overly-favor the company?

The level of service says a lot about a companies’ priorities. If a brand won’t give you the time of day, it is hard to believe they genuinely care about you or their customer base.  


Popularity and Reputation

It’s also important to consider the reputation of your delta-8 source, and to ask yourself questions such as the following:

Are the reviews on there mostly positive?

Does the company website allow reviews?

What is the community saying about the company in question?

Does it look like the company has made an effort to engage and grow its community?

Do they have a lot of reviews?

If you’re ever feeling uncertain about any delta-8 gummies you might be considering, it can be a tremendous help to hear what the experts are saying about, as they are the ones with the context and knowledge to give informed opinions. You can also gauge the reputation of a seller when you see what people are saying about that company on social media. Are posts mostly positive or negative?

These types of reviews are especially helpful to check out, since they’re much harder to hide. Does that brand have a high engagement rate on social media?

Do they answer questions and help with troubleshooting?

A more active brand will almost always be more engaged with its customers, and have a better relationship with the community overall. All of these are signs of a company you can trust. If a company lacks a reputation, it might just be a sign that they’re small and growing. However, it can also mean that their product just isn’t that enticing compared to the other options. 

Aside from general reputation, also pay attention to the brands that are and aren’t popular.

When assessing a brand’s popularity, it’s helpful to ask yourself:

-Where does this company sell? Is it only online?

-Do they rank highly in the search results?

-That would indicate a high level of site traction. 

-If they do sell in stores, where are those products placed?

Quite often, shops will place the best-selling products in the most visible spots, while hiding the less popular options and keeping them in the background. How many products do they sell? Is it a wide assortment? Or just one or two blends?

A smaller line of products tends to indicate that the brand is relatively new to the delta-8 industry. Now, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but less established brands are more likely to make mistakes or variations in formulation.

On top of that, inconsistencies in quality are far more likely when working in small-batch quantities. 

Creating premium delta-8 blends requires an exceptional amount of expertise, not to mention access to specialized, expensive equipment which, as you’ll see, not every CBD-supplier-turned-delta-8-seller can provide.

If a brand is offering delta 8 in bulk or wholesale, it means they have a standardized method for production and formulation, which means a higher chance of consistent quality.


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Typically, a high from delta-8 lasts around 3-4 hours, depending on the amount previously taken.

There is no evidence suggesting that delta-8 gummies are addictive or habit forming.

Ultimately, the effects of delta-8 gummies will be different for each user. That being said, many users have reported delta-8 to be quite mellow and soothing on the mind, and some have begun to turn to it as a sleep aid.

Delta-8 is a psychoactive substance, so delta-8 gummies will indeed get users high, unless taken in too low of a dose.

Delta-8 gummies do indeed have an expiration date, but rest assured that they tend to have pretty long shelf lives. When in doubt, always check the expiration date on your bottle.

Delta-8 gummies are actually less likely to cause side effects of anxiety, compared to delta-9 THC.

While there’s a possibility that delta-8 gummies can help with pain, it’s important to note that this claim has not yet been backed up by enough evidence to say for certain.

Since it’s only about half as potent as most cannabis products, delta-8 creates a high, but it’s not as intense as delta-9. Likewise, users are generally less likely to experience adverse effects such as anxiety or paranoia.

Yes, delta-8 will likely make users fail a drug test, since most test kits do not distinguish between delta-8 and delta-9.

When taken in excessive doses, delta-8 gummies may cause adverse effects such as stomach pain.

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The post Delta-8 Gummies 101 appeared first on Just Delta .

Tuesday 19 July 2022


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Although the color of your Delta-8 cart might be the least of your worries, it can impact its expiry. Therefore, it is important to observe the color of your delta 8 cart. Herein is everything you need to know about the types of delta 8 colors and their meanings. This article also highlights the tips to determine the best delta 8 cart

The color of your cart is likely to change after expiry. However, it might be difficult to determine this, especially if it is infused with golden brown. Although most people go for different colors, the pure form of vape juice is the most recommended. This is because it minimizes the involvement of chemicals that might contaminate your cart. Flavors bring fun to vaping THC since they hinder you from the awful natural taste of the hemp plant. This article highlights the most appropriate colors and their effect on your Delta-8 cart.

Types of Delta-8 Colors and Their Meaning

The color of your Delta-8 plays various variabilities regardless of the purity. The color breakdown is as follows;


Clear, or no color Delta-8 cartridge is the most priced product because it is created without any oxidation, which is not easy to achieve. However, it doesn’t insinuate that the extracts are entirely pure since some ingredients such as leftover acids and solvents can still be present, even without affecting the original color. Although clear Delta-8 might be expensive, it doesn’t mean it is likely superior to colored ones such as amber hue or pink. The main idea is to hinder it from oxidation. Some of the top confusions regarding clear are;

  • Clear Delta-8 is a guarantee of purity. This might not be the case at all. Third-party testing remains the major way of determining whether your Delta-8 cartridge is safe or not.
  • Pure/clear Delta-8 hasn’t been bleached. This is also a wrong assumption. The ideal way of making pure Delta-8 is by using bentonite, which is perfectly inert.

Amber Hue

Amber hue is from exposure to too much pH before distillation. It is a sign that the acids were not fully neutralized during distillation. This has an impact on the quality of your Delta-8 because traces of acids are removed during distillation. Notably, once the amber color is formulated, it is permanent. Amber hues are also a common sign of Delta-8 enriched with terpenes.

Terpenes are important elements in the hemp plant. Their presence in Delta-8 mitigates various effectiveness. Silva et al. (2022) noted that terpenes such as caryophyllene, myrcene, or linalool showed promising results in enhancing sleep. However, more clinical trials are needed since the available ones are yet to be approved.

Slight Pink Hue

A slight pink hue is common in Delta-8 carts. However, this should not be a cause of alarm. This means that your Delta-8 vape juice was partially oxidized. Besides, the change in PH and refluxing can also result in your vape juice turning in a pink hue. This process is common and is a sign that it was manufactured using older methods or had a few months already.

Cloudy Or Dark Delta-8

This is a clear sign that you should avoid Delta 8. The dark or cloudy color signifies that your vape juice is likely to be contaminated or is nearing its expiry. Notably, a pure Delta-8 should not be hazy or dark if the extraction method was appropriate.

What Does Delta-8 Taste Like

Caria (2022) noted that a pure Delta-8 has an awful taste that most people find difficult to withstand. It induces a slight bitterness on the tip of the tongue. However, brands are coming up with solutions by providing them in different flavors to help users avoid the awful taste. Delta-8 is manufactured with pure THC, void of terpenes responsible for taste and aroma. To enhance natural flavors, most brands infuse terpenes again.

Amber, clear and pink Delta-8 THC share a common taste as the extracts remain pure. On the contrary, amber-colored extracts depend on CBD, terpenes, or CBG, which impact their color. Notably, discontinuous use of Delta-8 THC results in changes in tastes, colors, or smells, putting them off. An expired Delta-8 impacts the potency levels even though it might not harm you.

How To Determine the Best Delta-8 Cart

Besides the colors, you need to have some skills to determine the best Delta-8 cart that will work effectively. Here are some of the tips to use;

Other Elements

Vapes juice is manufactured with various ingredients to improve its effectiveness. Always confirm the list of ingredients to ensure they are safe for consumption. Some brands use artificial sweeteners such as potassium which result in various health complications, including lowering metabolism and sexual activeness, as suggested by Bridge-Comer et al. (2021). Accumulation of heavy metals in your body systems can also result in chronic diseases and cancer, as suggested by Mahurpawar Manju (2015).

The Lab Results

The biggest red flag for a fake product is the lack of lab results. It is not advisable to buy from a brand that does not provide lab results. All hemp-based brands should post their COA report for easy access. This should not just be from any lab but an IOS certified since it has the personnel and adequate equipment. Confirm the vape juice is void of heavy metals and chemicals solvents. Both contaminants are likely to infiltrate the juice at the processing stage.

Various hemp-based manufacturers have conflicted with the FDA because of posting wrong potency levels. Avoid brands that have been receiving constant warnings from the FDA regarding the safety of their products, including posting wrong potency levels.


Delta-8 vapes can only address your health needs if the quality is questionable. Fake products are unlikely to deliver the required effect or put you at a higher risk, even though some provide a short-term solution. Consider buying a vape cart from the nearest store to give you ample time to assess your product. Consider brands offering QR codes to help consumers affirm the quality levels. Pay attention to the list of things outlined above on the labeling as a safety precaution.   


Bridge-Comer, P. E., Vickers, M. H., & Reynolds, C. M. (2021). Intake Of The Artificial
        Sweetener Acesulfame-Potassium Alone And In Combination With A High-Fat
        Diet Leads To Differential And Sex-Specific Effects On Metabolic Function In Mice.

Caria, F. (2022). Long-Term Effect After Intravenous Self-Administration (IVSA) Of The
        Synthetic Cannabinoid Receptor Agonist 5F-MDMB-PICA In Adolescent Mice.
        FULL PROGRAM, 33.

Mahurpawar, M. (2015). Effects Of Heavy Metals On Human Health. International
        Journal Of Research-Granthaalayah, ISSN-23500530, 2394-3629. Mahurpawar, M.
        (2015). Effects Of Heavy Metals On Human Health. International Journal Of
        Reseacrh-Granthaalayah, ISSN-23500530, 2394-3629.

Silva, M. G. D., Barbosa, S. L. F., Silva, D. S., Bezerra, I. B. M., Alves Bezerra, É., Coelho,
        A. G., … & Arcanjo, D. D. R. (2022). Bioactive Natural Products Against Systemic
        Arterial Hypertension: A Past 20-Year Systematic And Prospective Review.
        Evidence-Based Complementary And Alternative Medicine, 2022.

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Is Delta-8 a CBD?

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If you are new to the cannabis world, you might be wondering what delta 8 THC is. You might also wonder how this compound compares to CBD. This article highlights the differences between CBD and Delta 8 THC. Herein, you will also learn about these compounds’ benefits and side effects.

The cannabis industry is fast-growing, and more consumers are turning to cannabis products for recreational and therapeutic purposes. Cannabis plants, including hemp and marijuana, contain various chemical compounds called cannabinoids. THC is one of the major cannabinoids known for its intoxicating effects. This means that THC products can get their consumers’ high.’ CBD is also another major cannabinoid. Unlike THC, CBD is non-intoxicating. Learn more about these cannabinoids below.

What Is Delta 8?

Delta 8 is a THC variant similar to the main form of THC known as Delta 9 THC. Although these two isomers are similar, they differ slightly because of their chemical structure, making delta 8 less powerful than delta9.

Benefits of Delta 8

Smoother Psychoactive Boost

Most people who use cannabis for fun rarely consume CBD since it cannot give them a ‘high effect. Also, some people do not like consuming delta 9 THC since its effects may come with anxiety feelings when taken in high amounts.

If you do not like an intense high that leads to anxiety or paranoia, you should try using delta 8 THC instead of delta 9 THC. The strength of delta 8 THC has been proven to be around fifty percent of that of delta 9. Most consumers claim that the former enables them to stay relaxed and focused.

Appetite Boost

Unlike delta 9, which results in intense cognitive effects, Livne et al. (2022) noted that delta 8 could boost appetite. This is because this compound interacts with the endocannabinoid system, ECS, to regulate various functions, including sleep, mood, appetite, and pain,


Scientists have started exploring the benefits that delta 8 THC has on its users’ brains. Maroon & Bost (2018) stated that delta 8 THC contains neuroprotective properties, meaning that it can control the potassium and calcium levels in the CNS. This may lead to a healthier brain. Singhal et al. (2012) noted that delta 8 also increases choline and acetylcholine levels. This may lead to treating Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative disorders. What’s more, Delta 8 improves cognitive functioning since it makes new neurons.

Better Sleep

As noted, Delta 8 gives its users a less intense high than delta 9. Although their effects are similar, delta 8 is less powerful. Dietrich & McDaniel (2004) noted that some of these effects include relief of stress, sedation, and a feeling of euphoria. If you have insomnia, these effects may be helpful to you.

Digestive Support

May & Glode (2016) advised that if you frequently experience nausea, delta 8 can aid you. Since it contains antiemetic properties, it can help you whenever you feel like vomiting. It is preferred to delta 9 since it does not cause anxiety feelings.

Pain Relief

Azcarate et al. (2020) showed that when cannabinoids like delta 8 are applied topically, they can relieve their user form of chronic pain. If you suffer from inflammation, delta 8 is an anti-inflammatory agent that can reduce inflammation levels. This is made possible since it controls the neurons responsible for transmitting pain in the body.

What is CBD?

CBD, also referred to as cannabidiol, is also one of the cannabinoids in the hemp plant. Woelfl et al. (2020) suggested that the difference between THC and CBD is that the former gives its users a high effect while the latter provides its users with a calming effect.

CBD is available in three forms, full-spectrum CBD, broad-spectrum CBD, and pure CBD. Full-spectrum CBD contains all compounds present in the hemp plant. CBD isolate only has the CBD compound, while broad-spectrum CBD contains all the compounds except THC.

Benefits of CBD

Like delta 8, THC CBD also has health benefits. Some of its benefits include:

Pain Relief

Burstein (2015) concluded that CBD has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help relieve pain, just like delta 8 THC.

Relieving Anxiety and Depression

Due to its calming properties, CBD can relieve anxiety. This is why many pharmaceutical products are infused with CBD oil.

Treat Opioid Addiction

Hurd et al. (2015) confirmed that using CBD could help treat people who depend on opioids. The study showed that CBD reduced the cravings felt by heroin users. It also helped in calming their anxieties. CBD has also reduced symptoms such as insomnia and anxiety in patients addicted to substance abuse.

Is Delta 8 a CBD

Although both are cannabinoids that have similar health benefits, Delta 8 differs from CBD. Unlike delta 8, which gives its users a psychoactive effect, CBD provides its users with a calming effect and does not get its users high.


Before purchasing cannabis plant products, you should always consult your doctor since they may give you a negative reaction. You should also be careful about where you purchase your product since some brands deal in low-quality products that may have a negative effect on the user. Go through the COA report and assess the lab test results. Ensure that the potency and THC levels are within the specified limit. Also, ensure the product is free from contaminants, such as heavy metals and pesticides. In addition, buy from reputable brands only. You can identify such brands by checking for customer reviews. Most reliable brands also offer a money-back guarantee to consumers who find their products ineffective. This will ensure you purchase safe cannabis products and avoid adverse side effects. From the article, you have now realized the difference between delta 8 THC and CBD and found that they are not similar. It may be a bit confusing since they almost provide the same benefits. However, this does not make them similar.


Azcarate, P. M., Zhang, A. J., Keyhani, S., Steigerwald, S., Ishida, J. H., & Cohen, B. E.
        (2020). Medical Reasons For Marijuana Use, Forms Of Use, And Patient
        Perception Of Physician Attitudes Among The US Population. Journal Of
        General Internal Medicine, 35(7), 1979-1986.

Burstein, S. (2015). Cannabidiol (CBD) And Its Analogs: A Review Of Their Effects On
        Inflammation. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 23(7), 1377-1385.

Hurd, Y. L., Yoon, M., Manini, A. F., Hernandez, S., Olmedo, R., Ostman, M., & Jutras-
        Aswad, D. (2015). Early Phase In The Development Of Cannabidiol As A
        Treatment For Addiction: Opioid Relapse Takes Initial Center Stage.
        Neurotherapeutics, 12(4), 807-815.

Livne, O., Budney, A., Borodovsky, J., Walsh, C., Shmulewitz, D., Fink, D. S., … &
        Hasin, D. S. (2022). Delta-8 THC Use In US Adults: Sociodemographic
        Characteristics And Correlates. Addictive Behaviors, 107374.

Maroon, J., & Bost, J. (2018). Review Of The Neurological Benefits Of
        Phytocannabinoids. Surgical Neurology International, 9.

Singhal, A. K., Naithani, V., & Bangar, O. P. (2012). Medicinal Plants With A Potential
        To Treat Alzheimer And Associated Symptoms. International Journal Of
        Nutrition, Pharmacology, Neurological Diseases, 2(2), 84.

Woelfl, T., Rohleder, C., Mueller, J. K., Lange, B., Reuter, A., Schmidt, A. M., … &
        Leweke, F. M. (2020). Effects Of Cannabidiol And Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol
        On Emotion, Cognition, And Attention: A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled,
        Randomized Experimental Trial In Healthy Volunteers. Frontiers In Psychiatry, 11, 576877.

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What Are the Side Effects of Delta 10?

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If you are using delta 10 products, it is normal to wonder whether it has side effects. This blog discusses the side effects of Delta 10 THC products, the reasons Delta 10 has side effects, and how to avoid them.

The cannabis world is fast-growing, and more consumers are turning to this plant’s products for recreational and therapeutic purposes. More compounds are being discovered, with Delta-10 THC being the new addition to the cannabis industry. This compound is similar to Delta 8 THC. However, it gives its users a psychoactive buzz with a different form of high. Its effects are more uplifting compared to the soothing effect of Delta 8. Since Delta 10 THC products are becoming more popular, consumers have various concerns. First-time users are worried about the side effects this THC isomer gives. This article covers all you need to know about the effects of delta 10 THC.

Possible Side Effects of Delta 10 THC

Dry Eyes

According to Ware et al. (2010), THC compounds give users dry eyes, and Delta-10 compounds are not excluded. Dry eyes depend on how the cannabinoid attaches itself to the cannabinoid receptors in the eyes, affecting the moisture levels. This is the reason most people have red eyes after consuming THC. Their eye capillaries become dilated because of dried eyes

Low Blood Pressure

Machado et al. (2011) commented that consuming THC can temporarily lower your blood pressure. Low blood pressure can lead to dizziness, fast heart rate, and lightheadedness. Also, under rare circumstances, it can make one faint. If you do not eat before taking Delta-10 THC, you are more likely to have low blood pressure.

Dry Mouth

Since THC attaches itself to cannabinoid receptors of the salivary glands, consumers can get a dry mouth after using THC products. Grotenhermen et al. (2016) suggested that THC reduces saliva production in salivary glands, leading to a dry mouth.


Iversen (2001) noted that if consumers heavily dosed on Delta-10 THC, they may experience headaches. This is because this compound affects the part of the brain that causes headaches.

Increased Anxiety

Niesink et al. (2013) noted that although Delta-10 THC products do not make users anxious like Delta 9 THC products, they can cause anxiety, especially when consumed in higher doses.

Inability to Drive

It is not advisable to drive while you have consumed Delta-10 THC. This is because it may affect your mental ability, interfering with your ability to drive.

Impaired Concentration and Coordination

The intoxicating results of Delta-10 THC are milder than Delta-8, which is more psychoactive. Evans (2019) noted that when consumed in higher doses, the former leads to poor coordination and concentration.

It Could Interfere With Other Medications

It is not advisable to consume Delta-10 products when you are under medication. This is because this compound can subdue the levels of the enzyme CYP3A4. This enzyme metabolizes most prescribed medications. Kaewmeesri (2013) concluded that when this enzyme is suppressed, it can cause an accumulation of the medication, leading to adverse side effects.


According to Cluny et al. (2015), a high dose of Delta-10 THC can make you sleepy since it is sedative. It may interfere with your daily tasks and job.

Why Delta 10 THC Has Side Effects

Since delta 10 is extracted from hemp, it is non-toxic. The endocannabinoid system (ECS) prevents these hemp-derived compounds from becoming toxic. Due to this, most people can consume high doses of Delta-10 THC without being concerned.

Although delta-10 THC is non-toxic, it can lead to adverse side effects. These effects differ among different users. This means that some people do not experience these side effects.

The possibility of experiencing side effects depends on how you dose the THC and your body’s tolerance. Other factors include your body weight and general health. The good thing about Delta 10 THC’s side effects is that they are temporary.

How to Avoid Delta 10 Side Effects

The side effects of delta 10 normally occur when this compound is consumed in high doses. The best method to avoid its side effects is to take in lower amounts. Most people underestimate how strong Delta-10 THC is. If you are a beginner, start with lower doses and increase the amount as you get used to it. If you are using Delta-10 vapes, start with 1-3 hits, wait for around thirty minutes and see how your body reacts. If you are taking edibles, you can start by consuming half of a 10 mg gummy and wait for around one to two hours to see how you feel.

Choosing a stronger consumption method such as vapes is recommended for rapid effectiveness. This method allows the THC to be flushed out from your system faster. Delta 10 edibles and capsules have lasting effects; hence you can use them after getting used to Delta-10 THC.


Since Delta 10 is new to the market, it is expected to have a huge effect on the hemp industry with time. However, you should be aware of the side effects this compound can cause. If you take the right amount of Delta-10 THC according to how it is prescribed, it is rare for you to experience adverse side effects. Also, purchase your Delta 10 THC products from a reliable and reputable vendor to avoid low-quality products. Before consuming any delta 10 product, consult your doctor for guidance on the right dosage and the possible interaction of this compound with other medications.


Cluny, N. L., Keenan, C. M., Reimer, R. A., Le Foll, B., & Sharkey, K. A. (2015).
        Prevention Of Diet-Induced Obesity Effects On Body Weight And Gut
        Microbiota In Mice Treated Chronically With Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol. Plos One, 10(12), E0144270.

Evans, D. G. (2019). Marijuana Legalization Will Cause Many Problems For Missouri
        Law Enforcement And Schools. Missouri Medicine, 116(3), 164.

Grotenhermen, F., & Müller-Vahl, K. (2016). Medicinal Uses Of Marijuana And
        Cannabinoids. Critical Reviews In Plant Sciences, 35(5-6), 378-405.

Iversen, L. L. (2001). The Science Of Marijuana. Oxford University Press.

Kaewmeesri, P. (2013). Effect Of Phyllanthus Amarus Schum. & Thonn. Extract On The
        Pharmacokinetics Of Midazolam In Rabbits (Doctoral Dissertation, Prince Of
        Songkla University).

Machado Bergamaschi, M., Helena Costa Queiroz, R., Waldo Zuardi, A., & Crippa, A. S.
        (2011). Safety And Side Effects Of Cannabidiol, A Cannabis Sativa
        Constituent. Current Drug Safety, 6(4), 237-249.

Ware, M. A., Wang, T., Shapiro, S., Robinson, A., Ducruet, T., Huynh, T., … & Collet, J.
        P. (2010). Smoked Cannabis For Chronic Neuropathic Pain: A Randomized
        Controlled Trial. Cmaj, 182(14), E694-E701.

Niesink, R. J., & van Laar, M. W. (2013). Does cannabidiol protect against adverse
        psychological effects of THC?. Frontiers in psychiatry, 4, 130.

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What Are HHC Gummies?

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HHC is a new terminology within the hemp industry that is fast gaining popularity. This compound is infused in different products, including gummies. This article highlights all you need to know about HHC gummies, including their legality and how to determine the best HHC gummies.

The cannabis world is growing rapidly, and better, more potent, and safer alternatives of delta 8 & 9 THC and CBD are emerging rapidly. HHC is among the latest cannabinoids. However, its side effects are similar to that of THC. Unlike THC, HHC doesn’t show in a drug test. However, this is an unconfirmed claim. HHC is the most stable state of THC, resistant to heat, oxidation, and UV light. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about its degradation or loss of potency. This article highlights HHC gummies, their legality, and what future they hold as a new cannabinoid.

What is A HHC Gummy?

The word gummy might be familiar to nearly everyone, but what of HHC? HHC is also called hexahydrocannabinol,  a hydrogenated form of THC. Hydrogenation is a process involving hydrogen atoms in any chemical structure to stabilize it (Ghosh et al., 2022). This process is common in turning vegetable oil into margarine. Obtaining HHC might not be easy and only occurs in traces of higher potencies. Obtaining usable amounts of HHC involves a critical process of saturating THC with hydrogen atoms under high pressure using palladium or nickel as catalysts.

This process breaks THC’s duo chemical structure and replaces it with hydrogen, and retains the potency levels and efficiency. Currently, over 10 known isomers of the hydrogenated form of THC exist. The process seemingly alters the effectiveness of THC, making it more potent by increasing the chances of THC binding affinity for B2 and B1 endocannabinoid receptors. HHC is infused in gummies for convenience. Gummies are soft candies meant specifically for chewing. HHC gummies have different potency levels, colors, shapes, and sizes. Besides, HHC gummies are in various flavors, making them the most appropriate way of evading the awful natural taste of the hemp plant.

Are HHC Gummies Legal?

The legality of HHC gummies is yet to be determined. Unlike other elements in the hemp plant, the 2018 Farm Bill did not base much on HHC. However, we can use the general regulations on the hemp plant by the 2018 Farm Bill to determine their legality. According to the 2018 Farm Bill, hemp-based products are only legal if their THC levels are below 0.3%. Besides, the bill legalized hemp-based products in the USA, although under the federal government, as suggested by Abernethy (2019). The bill mandated the state governments to regulate the use of hemp-based products within their boundaries. As a result, some states legalized hemp-based products, and others prohibited them. Only 35 states have legalized hemp products; 15 have yet to. Some of the 15 states are Idaho and Texas. Therefore, before moving with HHC gummies from one state to another, you should confirm their legality to avoid getting in trouble or going against federal laws. However, unless the court rules out the legality of HHC, it remains unclear. This also means that users should take HHC gummies at their own risk.

How Do I Determine the Best HHC Gummies?

The suggested health benefits of HHC gummies can only be accrued if they are of good quality. There are various factors to consider in determining the best HHC gummies in the market. Some of the tips include;

Cultivation Process of the Hemp Plant

HHC is a chemical compound derived from organic hemp plants. Therefore, HHC gummies’ purity levels begin from the cultivation practices of the hemp plant. The best HHC gummies manufacturers obtain their organic hemp plant from either Colorado, Kentucky, or Oregon, widely known for their soil fertility for sustainable cultivation of organic hemp. Some of the best HHC gummies manufacturers have a team of agricultural experts who oversee the cultivation practices from the seed levels of the hemp plant until it’s ready for harvesting, ensuring only organic practices are involved.

Other Elements

HHC gummies are blended with various elements to improve their taste, color, and effectiveness. The best HHC gummies are manufactured using organic ingredients to avoid contamination and the lower chemical reaction that might interfere with effectiveness and potency levels. According to Bridge-Comer et al. (2021), artificial elements such as potassium used as a sweetener can disrupt your metabolism and sexual activeness. Consider HHC gummies with an organic element such as MCT oil suitable for improving effectiveness and raspberry or strawberry for enhancing taste. Sandupama et al. (2022) noted that MCT oil or coconut oil is an organic element suitable for improving HHC gummies’ absorption rate.

The Lab Results

Although there are no standard measures for HHC gummies because they are yet to be legalized, lab results remain a mandatory necessity for HHC gummies. Avoid HHC gummies without a COAs report. There are two parts of the lab results you should pay attention to; potency and purity levels

Potency Levels

The potency levels of any HHC products, including gummies, are important to avoid overdosing. Therefore, each time you buy HHC gummies, confirm the potency levels from the COAs report. Avoid depending on the labeled potency levels since they might be misleading. Some brands offer wrong potency levels exposing you to higher risks of overdosing on HHC and harming your health.

Purity Levels

HHC gummies are likely to be contaminated during processing. Heavy metals and chemical solvents are likely to infiltrate the gummies at the manufacturing stage, lowering their effectiveness and increasing the potential risks. Heavy metals can be alarming and cause havoc to your general health. Therefore, each time you buy HHC gummies, ensure they are void of heavy metals and chemical solvents for safety. You can access the COA’s report online or scan QR codes on the labels.


HHC gummies are yet to gain popularity among other hemp-based products. Most brands are yet to offer them because of the potential risks. However, you can easily access them online from various vendors and manufacturers. Gummies are the most effective way of taking HHC since they are in various flavors, making it possible to evade the awful natural taste of the hemp plant. Besides, they are convenient since you can easily carry them by pocketing them everywhere you go. However, before traveling with HHC gummies, confirm whether hemp-based products are legal in your destination. Some states, such as Idaho, are strict on hemp products for therapeutic and recreational use. Lastly, HHC gummies are not found on Amazon since it restricts all hemp-based products.


Abernethy, A. (2019). Hemp Production & 2018 Farm Bill. US Food And Drug Administration.

Bridge-Comer, P. E., Vickers, M. H., & Reynolds, C. M. (2021). Intake Of The Artificial
        Sweetener Acesulfame-Potassium Alone And In Combination With A High-Fat
        Diet Leads To Differential And Sex-Specific Effects On Metabolic Function In Mice.

Ghosh, A., Banerjee, S., Debnath, T., & Das, A. K. (2022). Dehydrogenation Of
        Ammonia–Borane To Functionalize Neutral And Li+-Encapsulated C 60, C 70
        And C 36 Fullerene Cages: A DFT Approach. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 24(6), 4022-4041.

Sandupama, P., Munasinghe, D., & Jayasinghe, M. (2022). Journal Of Future Foods.
        Journal Of Future Foods, 2(1), 41-52.

The post What Are HHC Gummies? appeared first on Just Delta .


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HHC is one of the most recently established chemical compounds of the hemp plant. It can either be derived from cannabis sativa, hemp, or marijuana. However, like any other product, HHC from the hemp plant is safer than one from marijuana. Herein is everything you need to know about HHC, including what it is, how long it stays in your system, and what an HHC’ high’ feels like.

HHC is among the latest developments in the cannabis industry. This compound is infused in various products, including gummies, tinctures, capsules, and topicals. You might wish to try either of the products and wonder whether it will get you high. Your suspicions might be right since it is a chemical compound derived from THC. Therefore, it is important to understand its potential health benefits or risks before using HHC. This article highlights more about this compound and its effects.

What is HHC?

Before determining whether HHC can make you high or not, it is important to understand what it is. HHC is the abbreviation of Hexahydrocannabinol. It is a hemp-based cannabinoid similar to Delta 9 THC. Jacob et al. (2019) noted that HHC is derived from THC through hydrogenation, which turns vegetable oil into margarine. HHC from the hemp plant only occurs naturally in significant amounts. Although some vendors suggest that it is an organic compound, obtaining a usable amount requires a lot of chemicals to process. The processing of HHC requires saturation of THC using hydrogen under high pressure using various catalysts such as palladium or nickel. Notably, HHC and THC share various similarities regarding their effects and effectiveness.

Will HHC Make You Fail a Drug Test?

HHC metabolizes into various compounds such as THC-COOH, just like THC. THC-COOH is a primary marker for detecting THC in urine, blood, or saliva samples. Although detecting this compound using a hair drug test is possible, it might not be as reliable as other options. Although some suggest that detecting HHC in a drug test is difficult, the claim is yet to be verified. However, there is limited research on the effect or effectiveness of HHC, unlike THC and CBD.

However, it is good to know that HHC can get you high, just like THC. However, the high impact will differ from one person to another. Also, according to Bridgeman Barna & Abazia (2017), the high effect might last about two to three hours depending on various factors, including the kind of product you have taken. Other factors include how often you have been using HHC products, how the body process it, and potency levels.

How Does HHC High Feel Like?

HHC is not far different from THC, especially Delta-8, in terms of the effects. HHC has three cannabinoids with a five-carbon side chain that is efficient for the body’s cannabinoid receptors. Many HHC users have noted a change in cognition and headspace, gradual mood increase, and improved productivity. However, neither of the claims has been verified-meaning either of them can fail to occur.

How Long Will HHC Stay in Your System?

It is difficult to determine how long HHC stays in the body system since no human clinical trial is trying to show the same. However, there are speculations since these compounds share chemical structures with delta 9 and delta 8 THC. HHC can stay in the bloodstream for about 2 to 30 days. However, there are a few determiners, including age, individual metabolism, the dosage used, and how long you have been using HHC. Here is an insight into some of the important factors on how long will HHC stay in the body system;


According to Cary (2006), prolonged use of HHC makes it stay in your body longer, like any other drug. The more you use HHC, the more it gets absorbed in the fatty acids and is stored. Releasing HHC from the bloodstream is much easier than from the fatty acids. Prolonged use of HHC gives the body a chance to accumulate the fat cells, becoming difficult to remove them.

Using HHC sparingly, either once or twice a week, will make it much easier for the body to remove it from the systems. Since it clears from the body very fast, you can pass a drug test. People using HHC daily will have to stop using it for at least three weeks to lower the chances of it being detected in a blood or urine test.

The Doses

Like other drugs, how much HHC you take directly impacts the duration it stays in the body systems. Although the liver can only process too much HHC, it cant do it rapidly. Notably, doubling the normal dosage of HHC increases the duration it takes to clear in the system by two to three hours.

The Type of HHC Product

HHC is infused in various products, including tinctures, gummies, capsules, vapes, and topicals. Using HHC edibles slows down the time it takes to clear the body since they must be digested first. However, smoking or vaping HHC takes the least time to clear in the body.

 Using HHC products such as cartridges is the most recommended way since the onset time is shorter and the duration for clearing in the system, especially for those worried about drug tests. The smoke is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream through the lungs within a few minutes. This also speeds the duration at which the liver works o HHC. This also shortens the duration it takes in the body system.


It might surprise you that your age also contributes to how long it takes in the body. According to Bratic, Ivana & Trifunovic (2010), your metabolism slows down as you age, lowering the processing time for medications and substances.


There are a lot of pending issues regarding the effectiveness, safety, and legality of HHC. Also, there are limited clinical trials to establish its health implications as a new element of the hemp plant. Although most users suggest that it can pass a drug test, unlike THC, the claim is yet to be approved by the FDA. HHC is derived from THC. Therefore, it can show in a drug test, especially if taken irresponsibly. Various factors contribute to the duration HHC stays in your body system and clearing. Some factors include age, body chemistry, potency levels, and purity levels to avoid overdosing unknowingly and exposing your body to contaminants such as heavy metals.


Bratic, I., & Trifunovic, A. (2010). Mitochondrial Energy Metabolism And
        Ageing. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Bioenergetics, 1797(6-7), 961-967.

Bridgeman, M. B., & Abazia, D. T. (2017). Medicinal Cannabis: History, Pharmacology,
        And Implications For The Acute Care Setting. Pharmacy And
        Therapeutics, 42(3), 180.

Cary, P. (2006). The Marijuana Detection Window: Determining The Length Of Time
        Cannabinoids Will Remain Detectable In Urine Following Smoking.

Jacob, J., Amalraj, A., Raj, K. J., Divya, C., Kunnumakkara, A. B., & Gopi, S. (2019). A
        Novel Bioavailable Hydrogenated Curcuminoids Formulation (Curowhite™)
        Improves Symptoms And Diagnostic Indicators In Rheumatoid Arthritis
        Patients-A Randomized, Double Blind And Placebo Controlled Study. Journal Of
        Traditional And Complementary Medicine, 9(4), 346-352.

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